The English Shetland Sheepdog Club

Show Results - Spring 2013, Hutton Moor, Weston-Super Mare

Best Bitch & Best in Show: Thomas's Ch Myter Eye To Eye JW
Best Dog & Res Best in Show: Bull's Mendipmist Summer Sun
Best Opposite Sex: Bull's Mendipmist Summer Sun
Reserve Best Bitch: Barnett's Ch Rainway Crystal Star JW
Reserve Best Dog: Hirst's Sundark Starlight ShCM
Best Puppy Bitch & Best Puppy In Show: Roberts's Malaroc Cinders And Ashes
Best Puppy Dog: Curtis's Keltihope In The Frame at Yasleyrose
Best Veteran Dog & Best Veteran In Show: Harries's Clanavon Sirocco From Mistmere JW
Best Veteran Bitch: Partridge's Rainelor Ramani


Dogs - Mrs Roseanne Smith (Shelmyth)

Bitches - Mr Colin Waugh (Colimar)

Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog

Class 14 Minor Puppy Bitch

1. Keltihope In The Frame at Yasleyrose

2. Glensanda McGinty
3. Kelgrove Kinda Magic

1. Lavika Summer Time
2. Lianbray Lemonade at Janetstown

Class 2 Puppy Dog

Class 15 Puppy Bitch

1. Malaroc Masked Marvel at Ghostland

1. Malaroc Cinders And Ashes

2. Jolex Moonflower
3. Myter Pennies From Heaven for Shelworth


Class 3 Junior Dog

Class 16 Junior Bitch

1. Sheldon Simply Simon of Lochkaren IMP

2. Lorainian Mister Bojangles at Sherkarl JW

3. Lorainian Campbell Clan

4. Philhope Star Struck

5. Jolex Typical Male

1. Pacarane Polly Flinders

2. Peartbrook Sky Blue
3. Samphrey Heart And Soul

4. Pacarane Polar Ice Crystal at Wyckwood

5. Albanyrose Hummingbird at Glensanda


Class 4 Novice Dog

Class 17 Novice Bitch

1. Phihope Light The Way
2. Lorainian Campbell Clan

3. Keltihope In The Frame at Yasleyrose

4. Milesend March Storm

1. Lavika Life Time

2. Malaroc Cinders And Ashes

3. Jolex Moonflower

4. Peartbrook Sky Blue

5. Myter Pennies From Heaven for Shelworth


Class 5 Graduate Dog

Class 18 Graduate Bitch

1. Mendipmist Summer Sun

2. Mistmere Gold Dust

3. Gylmar Dreamaker

4. Sandiacre Set In Ice

1. Rainway Returning to Seavall JW

2. Jontygray Star Dreamer
3. Ruscombe Strike A Light at Lianbray
4. Pacarane Polly Flinders

5. Balidorn Mixed Emotions ShCM


Class 6 Post Graduate Dog

Class 19 Post Graduate Bitch

1. Rainelor Razzmattaz JW

2. Sundark Surprise Mission
3. Lorainian Remember Me

4. Petara Star Shine at Shastondale

1. Myter Guilty Pleasure JW

2. Richmaus Glamorous of Lochkaren

3. Tighness Tip The Wink

4. Balidorn Mixed Emotions ShCM

5. Pencoppen Celtic Rose

Class 7 Limit Dog

Class 20 Limit Bitch

1. Malaroc Must Try Harder

2. Stanydale Shaeffer

3. Lianbray Lightning Strike JW

4. Malaroc Mystic Knight at Yasleyrose

5. Petara Shining Star from Shastondale


1. Pacarane Polar Ice Magic ShCM

2. Sundark Tzarina

3. Tighness Takes Two To Tango at Shelworth

4. Gylmar Magic Touch

Class 8 Open Dog

Class 21 Open Bitch

1. Sundark Starlight ShCM

2. Lorainian Kaeto Star

3. Willowtarn Taubyn via Evad ShCM

4. Sherkarl Mr Smithy JW, ShCM

5. Landover Parting Gift


1. Riverbend Muzia

Class 9 Sp Open Dog (Sable & White)

Class 22 Sp Open Bitch (Sable & White)

1. Mendipmist Summer Sun

2. Kyleburn Acis

3. Malaroc Mystic Knight at Yasleyrose

4. Petara Shining Star from Shastondale

5. Jolex Another Hero for Wellowbark

1. Samhaven Merrie Magic for Torinska
2. Pencoppen Honeysuckle

3. Balidorn Mixed Emotions ShCM

4. Shellbrook Faberge

5. Sundark Sunkist


Class 10 Sp Open Dog (Tricolour)

Class 23 Sp Open Bitch (Tricolour)

1. Sundark Surprise Mission

2. Sandiacre Set In Ice

3. Shastondale Highland Piper

4. Landover Parting Gift

1. Ch Myter Eye To Eye JW
2. Rainelor Ramani
3. Sundark Tzarina

4. Elvados By Moonlight at Wellowbark

Class 11 Sp Open Dog (Blue Merle)

Class 24 Sp Open Bitch (Blue Merle)

1. Sundark Starlight ShCM

2. Stanydale Shaeffer

3. Malaroc Masked Marvel at Ghostland

1. Ch Rainway Crystal Star JW

2. Keltihope Heaven Sent to Malaroc JW

3. Sundark Surprised JW

4. Pacarane Polar Ice Magic ShCM

5. Pacarane Polar Ice Crystal at Wyckwood


Class 12 Sp Open Working Dog

Class 25 Sp Open Working Bitch

1. Foubeck Funtastic AW(B)

2. Peartbrook Blue Peter

1. Peartbrook Silver Dream

2. Balidorn Mixed Emotions ShCM

Class 13 Veteran Dog

Class 26 Veteran Bitch

1. Clanavon Sirocco From Mistmere JW

1. Shastondale Celtic Maid

2. Tighness On Tiptoe

3. Sundark Surprised JW

4. Elvados By Moonlight at Wellowbark

5. Samphrey Sugar Babe at Pencoppen



All Photos courtesy of PetPhotosbyLana


© The English Shetland Sheepdog Club, 2008-2025