The English Shetland Sheepdog Club

Old and Collectable Books

From time to time, the Club offers old and collectable books for sale. If you are interested in purchasing any of these publications, please contact:

Barbara Thornley
3 Lodge Cottages, Union Hill, Semer, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HW.
Tel: 01473 824076 email:

You may pay by cash, cheque or money order (UK pound sterling with bank charges paid at source) made payable to the ESSC, Visa or MasterCard or by PayPal.

ESSC Handbooks

The following Handbooks are pre-owned and in various condition. All are available to purchase at £5.00 each plus postage & packing.


  UK Europe (Airmail) Overseas (Surface)

1970 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00

1975 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00

1980 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00


1985 Handbook


TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00

1990 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00


1995 Handbook


TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00

2000 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00

2005 Handbook

TOTAL £10.00

TOTAL £15.00

TOTAL £16.00


Shetland Sheepdog Books - all in various condition. Contact Barbara Thornley for prices.

The Popular Shetland Sheepdog - M Osborne

The Shetland Sheepdog – Herberts (4 copies)

Shetland Sheepdogs - Malcolm Hart

The World Of The Shetland Sheepdog - Mary Davis

All About The Shetland Sheepdog - Felicity Rogers

Keeping A Dog On A Small Income - Olwen Gwynn-Jones

Shetland Sheepdogs - The Sheltie - Jan Moody


We also have a copy of Shetland Sheepdog Show Champions 1981-1990, by Mary Fallas, in very good condition. Offers please.


If you have any similar publications that you no longer require and would consider donating to the Club, please contact Anita Pritchard


© The English Shetland Sheepdog Club, 2008-2025