All Club handbooks and merchandise are now available to purchase
on-line. Current stock includes 2005 & 2010 Handbooks and charts,
Ring Clips, Car Stickers, Breed Standard DVDs
and Elaborations, Badges & Ties.
We have limited
numbers of the 2020 HANDBOOK for sale .
The 2010 ESSC
Handbook have been reduced in price to £5.00 plus postage
Pre-owned Handbooks
from 1975 to 2005 are now available.
Click here
for details or to purchase
or contact Mrs Barbara
Thornley for more details.
If you wish to pay by cash, cheque or
money order (UK pound sterling with bank charges paid at source) made
payable to the ESSC, Visa or MasterCard, please contact:
Barbara Thornley
3 Lodge Cottages, Union Hill, Semer, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6HW.
Tel: 01473 824076 email:
All prices are in UK pounds sterling. |